
Published: Građevinar 74 (2022) 2
Paper type: Scientific research paper
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Performance of CFRP-confined concrete cylinder specimens - laboratory study

Golubka Nechevska-Cvetanovska, Artur Roshi, Jordan Bojadjiev, Julijana Bojadjieva, Zoran Trajcevski


The research presented in this paper focuses on the application of innovative materials for the repair and strengthening of RC columns of buildings in seismically active regions. The analytical and laboratory research for defining the compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete cylinders confined with CFRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymers) was carried out at the Skopje-based Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology – IZIIS in order to present the possibilities and benefits of using these materials. Selected results from laboratory testing of built-in materials, and some analytical results from the designed CFRP-confined RC columns for quasi static tests, are presented in this paper.

innovative materials, CFRP, laboratory tests, compressive strength, confined, ductility


Nechevska-Cvetanovska, G., Roshi, A., Bojadjiev, J., Bojadjieva, J., Trajcevski, Z.: Performance of CFRP-confined concrete cylinder specimens - laboratory study, GRAĐEVINAR, 74 (2022) 2, pp. 95-104, doi:


Nechevska-Cvetanovska, G., Roshi, A., Bojadjiev, J., Bojadjieva, J., Trajcevski, Z. (2022). Performance of CFRP-confined concrete cylinder specimens - laboratory study, GRAĐEVINAR, 74 (2), 95-104, doi:


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IMG 5069
Golubka Nechevska-Cvetanovska
Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje , R.N. Macedonia
Institute of Earthquake Engineering an Engineering Seismology- IZIIS-Skopje
Arturi 2 copy
Artur Roshi
Metropolitan University, Tirana, Albania
JordanBojadjiev WEB
Jordan Bojadjiev
International Balkan University, Skopje
North Macedonia
JulijanaBojadjieva WEB
Julijana Bojadjieva
Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology – IZIIS, Skopje
North Macedonia
5. Zoran Trajchevski
Zoran Trajcevski
Chakar&Partners – Skopje, R.N.Macedonia