
Published: Građevinar 73 (2021) 9
Paper type: Scientific research paper
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Zagreb clay improved with various binders

Željko Lebo, Mario Bačić, Danijela Jurić-Kaćunić, Meho Saša Kovačević


The paper presents the results of laboratory testing of clay samples from two localities in the city of Zagreb, mixed with fly ash, slag and cement. Under laboratory conditions, composite samples of clay mixtures with binders were prepared, where the binders are added to the clay in ratios of 5 %, 10 % and 20 %, and tested at different maturation time intervals of 7, 14 and 28 days. The influence of different type and amount of binder and age of the composite sample on moisture and uniaxial compressive strength was examined and analysed. The obtained results show that the utilization of cement, fly ash and slag can improve the physical and mechanical properties of Zagreb clay, depending on the amount of binder and the maturation time of the composite.

Zagreb clay, fly ash, slag, cement, soil improvement, moisture, uniaxial compressive strength


Lebo, Ž., Bačić, M., Jurić-Kaćunić, D., Kovačević, M. S.: Zagreb clay improved with various binders, GRAĐEVINAR, 73 (2021) 9, pp. 871-880, doi:


Lebo, Ž., Bačić, M., Jurić-Kaćunić, D., Kovačević, M. S. (2021). Zagreb clay improved with various binders, GRAĐEVINAR, 73 (9), 871-880, doi:


Creative Commons License
This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Lebo WEB
Željko Lebo
Technical Polytechnic in Zagreb
Department of Civil Engineering
Mario WEB
Mario Bačić
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Department for Geotechnical Engineering
MARCIC Danijela WEB2
Danijela Jurić-Kaćunić
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department for Geotechnical Engineering
Kovacevic MS
Meho Saša Kovačević
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department for Geotechnical Engineering