
Published: Građevinar 76 (2024) 7
Paper type: Professional paper
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Effect of advanced insulation materials and passive optimization strategies on interior thermal comfort of traditional houses in winter

Yiyun Zhu, Lu Liu, Guochen Sang, Xiaoling Cui


This study proposed an interior thermal comfort test to enhance the interior thermal comfort of traditional houses in the Guan Zhong region of the Shaanxi Province during winter. The study was conducted in Xiaoliu village by employing field tests and a questionnaire survey. The field tests and analysis revealed that the thermal comfort of traditional houses in this region is poor, the spatial layout of the houses is unsuitable for conserving heat, the thermal properties of the enclosure walls are inadequate, and the mode of heating is inefficient. The heat transfer parameters, heat lost and gained through fabrics, and thermal properties of nanomaterials have been used to improve the thermal comfort analysis. Combined with the local economic conditions, passive design strategies such as optimizing the spatial layout, improving the thermal insulation performance of the enclosure walls, and using solar energy were implemented. The simulation results indicate that energy consumption can be significantly reduced, and the indoor thermal comfort of traditional houses can be enhanced by reasonably dividing the indoor space, increasing the thermal insulation performance of the enclosure walls, and making better use of solar energy and natural ventilation. Therefore, to improve thermal comfort and reduce the energy load of traditional houses in the Guan Zhong region, it is necessary to adopt passive optimisation strategies.

traditional house, indoor thermal comfort, thermal simulation, passive design strategies, nanomaterials


Zhu, Y., Liu, L. ., Sang, G., Cui, X.: Effect of advanced insulation materials and passive optimization strategies on interior thermal comfort of traditional houses in winter , GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (2024) 7, pp. 633-646, doi:


Zhu, Y., Liu, L. ., Sang, G., Cui, X. (2024). Effect of advanced insulation materials and passive optimization strategies on interior thermal comfort of traditional houses in winter , GRAĐEVINAR, 76 (7), 633-646, doi:


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This paper is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
3870 Author 1 Zhu WEB
Yiyun Zhu
Xi’an University of Technology, China
Faculty of Civil Engineering
3870 Author 2 Liu WEB
Lu Liu
Powerchina Guiyang Engineering
Corporation Limited
3870 Author 3 Sang WEB
Guochen Sang
Xi’an University of Technology, China
Faculty of Civil Engineering
3870 Author 4 Cui WEB
Xiaoling Cui
Xi’an University of Technology, China
Faculty of Civil Engineering